
Do You Share Your Opinion With People? You Must

2024.01.12 22:31 105 0


God made humans a bit more different, he gave them the ability to think which clearly overpowered all the others looking at the evolution chart. We can think, we can analyze, we can question, we have brains but what is the use of such perks when we don't use our talent & god gift? We should be vocal with our thinking, we should be keen on sharing our thought process with fellow people so that we all can discuss & grow mutually. You must have seen the people like Barbers or shopkeepers who constantly engage people in deep conversations about the directions in which the nation is going or why is the national team losing matches, when people with such less education can efficiently put across their opinions then what stops you? Everything you say, is important as it gives one more perspective to the story, no one knows the right perspective to a story we just choose from the available options, until your input someone else's opinion would be considered right, its just like that.

There are various platforms where you can voice your opinions; you don't need an air time on a big news channel, you don't need a column in a leading Daily Express News Today, you don't need a slot on radio now you can voice your opinion & reach the masses in the cheapest possible way, yes with internet you can express your views free of cost & bring a change, you can start your blog or write for the many available websites, if you have a valid opinion soon you would be recognized & your views would be read & implemented by many, so you should not underestimate the reach of internet & the value of your opinions. There are many examples of people who made it big by simply expressing their views online, if the views are right & unique they are being shared extensively all over the internet & it finally brings the changes everyone was expecting, so not only for yourself or your loved ones you should be consistent in giving a voice to your opinion to make sure that the necessary change in the society should be triggered by someone, at least someone should start an initiative towards making a change, towards making the world a better place.

So, now that you know the importance of sharing your opinions, presenting your opinions to the world, you should be, you must be motivated enough to actually make it a habit to start giving a voice to your opinions. We would be quite glad & thankful if this article makes you want to express your opinion, if we are able to make you realize how much important is your opinion, we would be really glad. So, start today, be the change you want to see in the world.

Sandeep Singh is the writer who brought this article to your after extensive research, one of the hardworking writers of Era Group. For more info visit Postickermail-box-us-103-bronze-royalty-free-thumbnail.jpg

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